Adult Outpatient Services, San Francisco

A Program of Walden House

Case Management, Socialization Activities, Day & Evening Groups, Mental Health Services

HealthRIGHT 360 has provided outpatient services for behavioral health disorders since 1985. Using a comprehensive case management model, our program meets the complex and varied needs of people by implementing low, moderate and high threshold tracks. Participants and their Care Coordinators work collaboratively to design an integrated, individual, strength based treatment experience geared towards addressing the client’s own needs and goals.

What We Do

The Outpatient Program is specifically designed for people who struggle with substance use disorders, mental health issues or co-occurring disorders. The Outpatient Program works with high-risk populations from a variety of backgrounds. Our programs are open and welcoming to adult participants, of any gender identity. We accept the majority of participants who seek Outpatient treatment; including walk-in’s, referrals from other agencies and step-down transitional clients from residential treatment programs. 

What to Expect

Once enrolled in the Outpatient Program, participants are assigned a Care Coordinator to assist the participant in identifying their specific needs and goals, to help target the issues and challenges they want to address while in Outpatient treatment. Collaboratively they create a 90-day treatment plans targeting participants individual goals, objectives and interventions. The Outpatient Program staff use evidence-based curriculum to help the participant learn new information about their substance use disorder and/or mental health symptoms. This promotes positive behavior change and supports enhancement of positive coping skills to help participants remain safe and effective in their daily lives.



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