Comprehensive Outreach Program for Pacific Islander and Asian Substance Abusers (COPPASA)

A Program of Asian American Recovery Services

COPPASA is the adult outreach, prevention, and intake team for AARS’ programs in San Francisco, including Project ADAPT and Lee Woodward Counseling Center.

COPPASA provides prevention, health education, and referrals to appropriate services, primarily for individuals with substance use and co-occurring mental health issues. Created as the Comprehensive Outreach Program for Pacific Islander and Asian Substance Abusers, COPPASA is open to any San Francisco resident over 18 years of age with substance use or mental health needs. Our staff is a diverse team of prevention and treatment professionals who are dedicated to providing the public with culturally competent behavioral health and support services. COPASSA staff link interested clients with appropriate services, by conducting:

  • Intake for AARS’ San Francisco programs. 
  • Assessments for our outpatient and residential services related to substance use, mental health, and co-occurring disorders.
  • Referrals and linkages to additional outside services.

Professional counselors have the resources to refer individuals to a variety of culturally competent treatment programs throughout the San Francisco Bay Area.

This program is funded by Community Behavioral Health Services of the San Francisco Department of Public Health.


Intake: 415-541-9404

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