Services to begin later this summer
The paint is dried, the floors are polished, and we received the Certificate of Final Occupancy which means… we can move in!
In preparation for our big move and opening, staff is starting to box up the contents of their offices. Furniture from our warehouse that held two years’ worth of purchases and donations is being moved into its new home. Desks, tables, work stations, file cabinets, chairs, couches, medical examination tables – you name it, it’s finding its place at 1563 Mission Street. There are hundreds of rooms that include examination and treatment rooms, office spaces, group rooms, conference rooms, dining rooms, staff lounges, and reception areas that all require the appropriate furnishings and the first phase is already complete. Phase two will happen in the days leading up to the start of providing services in August.
When touring the building, it is apparent that funds were used to create a center that welcomes and respects our patient/client consumers with new medical and dental equipment, and a strong building that was designed to thrive under considerable wear and tear conditions. But funds were not used to purchase high end furniture; in its place we have sturdy, time-tested, pieces and with careworn scratches, and mismatched chairs. We are proud of how and where we spent our limited funds. Visit any staff member in any of their office, and see that we have completed this projected with restraint and fiscal responsibility!
If you would enjoy seeing the new Integrated Care Center in advance of our grand opening (date TBD) please contact our Development office at 415-762-3696 and we will be happy show you our new home.